Most community members recognize Friends of the Dillon Ranger District as a trail maintenance and stewardship non-profit group. A large portion of our volunteer hours every year come from the 30-40 trail projects we have throughout the project season. The volunteer work at these trail projects can be more physically demanding and not for everyone. We would like to share other, not as well known, ways to volunteer and give back to the National Forest here in Summit County. Here is a list of opportunities with a short description of each. Most of these opportunities are done individually and on your own schedule.
Ranger Patrol : This opportunity is designed for hiking enthusiasts who enjoy interacting with fellow forest users and giving back to their local National Forest all at once. With visitation in Summit County increasing on an annual basis, the need for informed and dedicated volunteers patrolling our trails is at an all-time high. Contact to get involved.
Outreach Ambassador: Help our marketing team hang up flyers around the county and distribute recreation guides. Contact to help out!
Adopt a Bin: Empty fishing line recycling bins. Contact
Adopt a Trailhead: Collect trash as Trailheads throughout the county. Contact
Trail Angel-ing: Deliver treats and beverages to trail work volunteers. Contact
Educational Hike Leaders: Expert on a topic? Retired professor? Lead an educational hike. Contact to get involved.
Musician: Want to play at one of our fundraising or social events? Contact for opportunities.
Event/fundraising volunteers: Volunteering at events throughout the year. Event examples: Dillon Amp events, Farmers Market, Concert in the Park, Fall Fest, Brewski, Bacon & Bourbon Fest. Contact to volunteer
Tool Maintenance: We need help sharpening our tools. Lizzie would love to hear from you:
IT consultant: Computer pro? Graphic Designer who knows InDesign? Help us out when we run into technology problems. Contact
HWAR: Hike with a Ranger @Copper Mountain + SWAR: Ski with a Ranger tour leaders. Contact
Frisco Nordic Ambassadors: Interact with Peninsula Recreation Area visitors at the Frisco Nordic Center. Email
Office Landscaping: Help out with landscaping and yard work at the Dillon Ranger Station in Silverthorne. Contact
**Other skills you may have that maybe you could contribute to our organization?** Shoot us over an email to and we’ll get you in touch with the right staff member!